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Synaptech Solutions currently offers two general classes of PLC solution as described below.
While the One-Way AMR System is targeted more specifically for power utilities and their Automatic
Meter Reading needs, the Two-Way PLC System has a more broad base of target applications.
Both solutions are designed with the same "simple is better" approach, and deliver extremely
robust and reliable performance.
Communication Technology:Spread Spectrum (SS) |
Components:Remote Unit (RU), Concentrator |
Used for Automated Meter Reading (AMR) applications throughout the world. RUs are installed in utility meters throughout the grid. Concentrators are placed in pole-top locations throughout the grid. RUs send meter information to their local concentrator via existing power lines using Synaptech's One-Way Spread Spectrum PLC technology. Concentrators are accessed from central power station via phone line, Ethernet, or 802.11 wireless.
Communication Technology:Differential Bi-Phase Shift Keying (DBPSK) |
Components:Power Line Modem (PLM), Application Specific Interface Unit (ASIU) |
Used for two-way automated meter reading, demand side management (DSM), and home and building automation applications, as well as industrial command and control and remote monitoring situations. System is low-bandwidth, highly robust and reliable PLC solution with dual-baud, variable packet size flexibility.