Our Products

Synaptech Solutions currently offers two general classes of PLC solution as described below. While the One-Way AMR System is targeted more specifically for power utilities and their Automatic Meter Reading needs, the Two-Way PLC System has a more broad base of target applications.

Both solutions are designed with the same "simple is better" approach, and deliver extremely robust and reliable performance.

One-Way AMR System

Communication Technology:
Spread Spectrum (SS)
Remote Unit (RU), Concentrator

System Overview

Used for Automated Meter Reading (AMR) applications throughout the world. RUs are installed in utility meters throughout the grid. Concentrators are placed in pole-top locations throughout the grid. RUs send meter information to their local concentrator via existing power lines using Synaptech's One-Way Spread Spectrum PLC technology. Concentrators are accessed from central power station via phone line, Ethernet, or 802.11 wireless.

Two-Way PLC System

Communication Technology:
Differential Bi-Phase Shift Keying (DBPSK)
Power Line Modem (PLM), Application Specific Interface Unit (ASIU)

System Overview

Used for two-way automated meter reading, demand side management (DSM), and home and building automation applications, as well as industrial command and control and remote monitoring situations. System is low-bandwidth, highly robust and reliable PLC solution with dual-baud, variable packet size flexibility.